MAMSE is the Michigan Association of Middle School Educators. Founded in 1971 by Dr. Louis G. Romano and a group of middle level educators, MAMSE is the oldest middle level professional organization in the country. Members include all who are interested in the education of young adolescents — teachers, administrators, supervisors, parents, college personnel, state department officials and student s. It is governed by an executive board made up of elected officers and regional representatives. MAMSE members helped start the National Middle School Association (now the Association for Middle Level Education) in 1973. As an affiliate of the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE), MAMSE is the official voice for Michigan’s middle level people.
MAMSE Mission and Vision
MAMSE’s purpose is to advocate for middle level education by promoting opportunities to ensure a supportive environment for young adolescent learners.
Categories for MAMSE’s Vision
Advocacy: MAMSE will advocate for middle level educaton by promoting opportunities to ensure a supportive environment for young adolescent learners.
Professional Development: MAMSE will provide research based professional development to optimize teaching and learning.
Leadership: MAMSE will develop middle level leaders who capably anticipate and respond to the future needs of educators, students and community partners.
Communication: MAMSE will communicate with those who serve young adolescents to facilitate collaboration and networking.